Joliet Catholic Academy is proud to announce their October Joliet Noon Lions Club Student of the Month Adam Wahl.
With a GPA of 5.03, Wahl’s is ranked at the top of his class. His favorite subject is Math, and he is a member of the JCA Honors Program, National Honor Society, Math National Honor Society, and French National Honor Society.
Wahl is an Omni-MTE scholarship recipient, a National French Contest medalist, a member of the A Honor Roll. In addition, he has received several medals for academic excellence and certificates for academic success in multiple fields of study.
Wahl is the son Andrew Wahl and Ada Paolucci of Plainfield and a member of the Cathedral of St. Raymond.
He enjoys playing the piano, basketball, volleyball, golf, and tennis.
After high school, Wahl plans to attend Brown University. He would like to study Neurobiology as a pre-med student and do research. After completing his academic studies, Wahl would like to pursue a career as an ophthalmologist.
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