“I’m not a magician nor a mermaid,” begins the poem “Romance” by Cuban author Gertrudis Gomez de Avellaneda. JCA seniors Francesca Gingoyon-Embrey and Robert Babich certainly worked their own brand of magic on judges at the 35th Annual American Association of Spanish and Portuguese Poetry and Poster Competition held at Niles North High School on Saturday, September 15, where Gingoyon-Embrey and Babich placed second for reciting the poem in Spanish representing JCA’s Spanish IV and V curriculum.
Senior Marguerite Ernst, who took home a first place ribbon last year for a poster entry, won this year’s Grand Prize for her poster encouraging students to “Learn New Languages, Make New Friends.” Her poster illustrated two llamas conversing in front of her depiction of Macchu Picchu. One asked the other, “Como te llamas” and the other responded, “Llama!” Ernst earned a ribbon, a cash prize, and the honor of having her poster published and distributed to foreign language teachers around the state.
Sophomores Bailey Garland, Alec Hartsell, Sheridan Kelly, Kailey Kovas, and Justin Valesco, took home ribbons for their poster creations. Kovacs, Garland, and Valesco placed second with Hartsell and Kelly placing third.
This is the fourth consecutive year that JCA students participated in the contest under the guidance of Spanish teacher Lauren Finaldi, moderator of JCA’s Spanish Club and National Spanish Honor Society.
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