On Tuesday, November 22, 2016 in preparation for Thanksgiving break, approximately 300 grandparents of Joliet Catholic Academy freshman and sophomores celebrated mass in the Student Activity Center as a family. The day included mass celebrated by JCA campus minister Fr. Jeff Smialek, O.Carm. and concluded with a continental breakfast. The day featured JCA student Eucharistic ministers, musical performances from the JCA choir, and testimonials from JCA students on the role of their grandparents in their lives.
JCA Director of Special Events Mrs. Christine Voss, a grandparent of sophomore Abigail Voss, was integral in organizing the event. Voss said, “On this day we honored all families that make sacrifices for their children, especially grandparents who see and realize the value of a Catholic education”.
JCA students began the morning mass by presenting their grandparents with letters of appreciation and gratitude written during their freshman or sophomore Theology classes. Freshman Claire Dow and sophomore Conor Klump added to the day by reading tributes to the sacrifices that grandparents make, and the contributions they make on a daily basis both to their families at home and the JCA family.
Voss added, “I actually had two women ask me for Kleenex because it is an emotional day. For some grandparents it was the first time they were able to get on campus here at JCA and to get involved with their grandchildren from an educational and social standpoint. That’s what this day is all about, offering up thanks and a tribute to our families”.
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