Sisters of St. Francis to host Spring Prayer Breakfast on April 12


You are invited to the Sisters of St. Francis’ Spring Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday, April 12 at 7AM at the Joliet Franciscan Center, 1433 Essington Road in Joliet.  This event is for men and women.  Breakfast will be available.

The speaker for the morning is Sister Barbara Kwiatkowski OSF.  Sister Barbara is currently a member of the Congregation’s Governing Board.  Prior to this, she was a Campus Minister at Joliet Catholic Academy. Sister Barbara’s topic is “Nothing Can Make God Stop Loving Us.”

Space is limited, please reserve by Monday, April 10.  Call 815-725-8735, x116 to reserve.  This event has a suggested donation of $10.00.

We invite you and your guests to bring non-perishable food items which will be delivered to a local food pantry.

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