Homecoming Week Activities and Dress Themes


Homecoming Week Activities & Dress Themes

Sept. 23 -Sept. 29


Sunday, Sept. 23

Homecoming Activities: Senior Bowl/Cookout

Senior Powder Puff Football Practice and pick teams (12:00-12:45)

Senior Powder Puff Football Game (1-1:45) All welcome

Senior Class Cook-out (2pm) Seniors and family members only

 Monday, Sept. 24

Dress Theme: Tourist/ Hawaiian  

Homecoming Activity: Fall Sports/Homecoming Kick-Off Assembly (1:40pm)

Home Varsity Athletic Events: Hillman Soccer (6:30pm), Angel Tennis (4:30pm)

Away Varsity Athletic Events: Angel Golf

Tuesday, Sept. 25

Dress Theme: Jersey Day /Sports team

Homecoming Activity: Lunchroom Karaoke

Away Varsity Athletic Events: Angel Golf, Angel Volleyball

Wednesday, Sept. 26 

Dress Theme: Way Back/ Favorite decade trend

Homecoming Activity: Homeroom Door Judging

Home Varsity Athletic Events:  Hillman Soccer (6:30pm), Hillmen Golf

Away Varsity Athletic Events: Angel Tennis

Thursday, Sept. 27 

Dress Theme: Out of This World

Homecoming Activities: Tailgate Party (1:40pm)

Friday, Sept. 28 

Dress Theme: Class Colors Seniors – neon, Juniors, Sophomores, and freshmen – black

Homecoming Activities:

Homecoming Assembly (2:20pm)

Homecoming Parade (4:30pm)

Crowning of Homecoming King & Queen (Halftime of FB game)

Home Varsity Athletic Events: Hillman Football (7:00pm)

Away Varsity Athletic Events: Hillmen Golf, Angel Volleyball

Saturday, Sept. 29

Homecoming Activity: Homecoming Dance “Out of This World”

(Early pictures 6pm / dance 6:30-9:30pm)

Varsity Athletic Events: Hill Soccer, Angel and Hill Cross Country, Hill Golf, Angel Volleyball

CLICK HERE for further Dress Theme Guidelines

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