JCA Summer Hours

Summer hours begin Tuesday, May 26 through Thursday, August 13; Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m.  – 2 p.m. The school will be closed on Fridays. Summer hours will be posted in the main entrance, on the website, and on the digital sign on the corner.

As of 5/26 the main office and school remains closed due to the COVID-19 shutdown. In order to reach a JCA staff member, please call the main office at 815.741.0500 and dial their extension, or e-mail. A complete staff directory has been provided below.

JCA staff directory >> https://www.jca-online.org/our-school/faculty-staff/

JCA summer events, camps, and all in-person activities remain on hold until further notification. 

JCA will return to regular main office hours on Monday, August 17.


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