Dear JCA Parent(s)/ Guardian(s),
We are truly excited to be going back to school in August and have a plan that will give our students the most in-person instruction while maintaining the least amount of exposure to their peers. No plan is perfect, and it seems that there are new guidelines each day, but we have tried to devise a plan that has the most social distancing to the best of our ability.
We will be instituting a schedule that has all of our students on campus for four days, for a limited time. The day will begin at 7:50 a.m. and end at 12:20 p.m. with periods 1-4 taking place on Monday and Thursday, and periods 8-5 taking place on Tuesday and Friday. Wednesday will be a live E-learning day from home that will follow a normal 7:50 a.m.-2:40 p.m. schedule. After the M, Tu, Th, F school days are over, there will be E-learning assignments for the opposite classes each day and we will ask students to leave campus. An After-School program will be offered for all students needing to stay on campus due to transportation issues or staying for extra-curricular programs. Upperclassmen and students who drive are encouraged to take lunch off campus and perform E-Learning afternoon work from home.
JCA is also providing a full-time E-Learning option (five days per week). JCA encourages students who may be high risk for COVID-19, or who have family members at home deemed high risk, to consult with your physician regarding the utilization of full-time E-Learning.
To help with professional development and logistics of the plan, we are adjusting our calendar to have a start date of Thursday, August 20th for freshmen orientation. We will follow on Friday, August 21st with a Return to School orientation for our Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. These will be counted as school days, so attendance is required. The first day of our new school re-opening plan will be Monday, August 24th.
Detailed information regarding our Return to School plan is included below.
Click Here to view the JCA Return to School Plan. *Updated 9.16.20
We are looking forward to a great year!
Dr. Jeffrey Budz
Joliet Catholic Academy President/Principal
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