
Kairos is a unique opportunity for students and faculty alike to place themselves in “God’s time.” As such, the annual retreat focuses on bringing the participants out of their everyday life experiences for self-examination and reflection on their personal dreams, goals and aspirations and how to achieve them.

In that way, Kairos retreats allow participants to get a better understanding of themselves and their station in life, as well as that of others, providing a greater understanding and empathy. This time truly is God’s time. All correspondence can be sent to JCA in person or emailed to jcakairos@jca-online.org

Please keep these Kairos Candidates and Leaders in your prayers.  

Senior Girls Kairos Retreat – January 28-31, 2025


Bella Berta

Ellie Blotnik

Larkin Calay

Liz Cardwell

Olivia Chovanec

Carmela Cook

Elizabeth Dvorak

Bianca Galaviz

Zoe Girard

Erica Johnson

Delani Kirstein

Amelia Knick

Taitum Lee

Mary Jo Meyer

Lainie Osburn

Leah Pena

Mia Rodriguez

Heavenly Sarfo

Brooke Simon-Chenelle

Kamryn Teufer                                                                                             



Gianna Chiappini

Addison Fanter

Kate Leeders

Ayana Morris

Kassie   Ruiz

Keigan  Sprovieri

Jocelyn Vazquez

Lauren Weiss


Adult Leaders:            

Mrs. Terri Barrett

Ms. Karlyn Budz

Mrs. Melisa Ferro

Mrs. Chris Voss

Mrs. Gretchen Jelinek

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