JCA Spring Showcases


Future Angels and Hilltoppers,

Joliet Catholic Academy is excited to announce a “Spring Showcase” initiative. These academic, athletic, and activity clinics/camps will replace our Friday Shadow Visits and Step Up Day for prospective students, giving an opportunity for area 6th and 7th graders to experience JCA. Classes, clubs, the performing arts, and JCA athletics will be featured. The JCA Admissions staff will be available to discuss scholarships and financial aid at JCA. The JCA Counseling staff will hold a College and Career Readiness Workshop for prospective parents.

All JCA Showcases held indoors and outdoors will follow IDPH, ISBE, and IHSA guidelines. Please select each showcase you are interested in attending. For camps that are still TBD, those that express interest will be contacted soon with the specific date, time, and location.

All showcases will be held on campus at Joliet Catholic Academy; 1200 N. Larkin Ave., Joliet, IL unless otherwise noted. Students should enter the JCA main entrance located along Larkin Ave. for all academic and activity camps held on April 22, April 27, and May 4. Indoor athletic camps will be held in the JCA Student Activity Center. Please enter the building through the entrance along Ingalls Ave. on the south side of campus. Outdoor athletic camps will be held on the respective outdoor fields located on campus. 

JCA will be announcing its full lineup of summer camps, available to incoming freshmen and grade school students shortly. 

Please direct any questions to JCA Admissions Director Mr. Ryan Quigley ’03 at admissions@jca-online.org or call 815.741.0500, ext. 214.

2021 JCA Spring Showcases

    Students may select and attend multiple events. Students are encouraged to attend multiple showcases on the academic/extra-curricular nights. Continue to check back for updated outdoor sports showcases.
    I hereby grant JCA permission to photograph/video my child and use any picture/video image as part of any promotion for camp or school. I would like to receive information about JCA athletics, extra-curriculars, and clubs. I authorize the camp coach and/or JCA representative to use their best judgment in seeking medical treatment for my child. I agree not to hold the school or anyone acting in their behalf responsible for any injury that may occur.


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