JCA announces December Students of the Month

Joliet Catholic Academy President/Principal Dr. Jeffrey Budz is pleased to announce the December Students of the Month: Megan Ortinau (Kiwanis Club), Julia Khater (Rotary Club), and Cameron Turner (Lions Club). JCA is proud of the success these students have exhibited both in the classroom and out in the community.

Megan Ortinau, daughter of Eric and Lori Ortinau, currently has a 4.68 GPA in JCA Honors and AP classes. Ortinau is a member of National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta (Math National Honor Society), English National Honor Society, and Art National Honor Society. She has been awarded academic medals in Algebra, World History, and Theology while at JCA. She is also a member of the JCA varsity softball team. Ortinau has been accepted into the mechanical engineering program at the University of Iowa but is also currently weighing options at the University of Illinois, Notre Dame, and Purdue.

Julia Khater, daughter of Russell and Susan Khater, currently has a 4.56 GPA in JCA Honors and AP classes. Khater is a member of National Honor Society, National French Honor Society, National Thespian Honor Society, and received the Ronald Reagan Leadership Award. At JCA, Khater participates in Scholastic Bowl, Drama Club, and the Improv Club (where she serves as president). She is also a member of the JCA girls swimming team, while also participating with the Joliet Jets Swim Team. Khater enjoys playing guitar and violin in her free time and is currently undecided on her college plans.

Cameron Turner, son of Brent and Staci Turner, currently has a 3.61 GPA. Turner is a member of National Honor Society, National Art Honor Society, and received the English Honors Award during his junior year. Turner is a member of the varsity football and wrestling programs at JCA and received the Leadership and Hustle Awards in wrestling. Turner is also a member of the Weather Club at JCA and serves as a JCA Student Ambassador. In his spare time, he enjoys fishing, working out, and flying airplanes. Turner plans on attending Western Michigan University to study aviation with a career plan to become a professional corporate pilot.

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