Prayer & Daily Announcements


Good morning JCA family. This is Senior Lauren Weiss and today is Thursday, February 6th, 2025.

Today, the Church honors Saint Paul Miki and his companions, martyrs who courageously faced persecution and remained steadfast in their faith.

Almighty God, you gave Saint Paul Miki and his companions the strength to remain faithful to Christ even in the face of persecution and death:

Grant me a spirit of courage and missionary zeal, that I may, like Paul Miki and his companions, proclaim your Word with boldness, even in the face of adversity; that I may share the Good News with those who have not yet known your love; that I may remain steadfast in my faith, even unto death; that I may find strength in prayer and community, trusting in your protection and guidance; that I may offer forgiveness to those who persecute me; that I may witness to your love with joy and confidence; that so, inspired by their example, I may dedicate my life to your service, this day and all my days, through the same Christ our Lord.


  • OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL…. pray for us.
  • ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI……. pray for us.




Congratulations to our February students of the month:

Molly Ryan, Kiwanis Club of Joliet

Heavenly Sarfo, Rotary Club of Joliet

Quinn Swienton, Joliet Noon Lions Club.

The word of the day sward.  Sward is a literary word that refers to an area of land covered with grass.  The hikers emerged from the forest to find a green sward dotted with yellow and purple flowers stretching out before them.

The Math Lab will be closed during period 4A. (Kairis)

Juniors, there will be a mandatory Kairos meeting for your entire class tomorrow, Thursday February 6th during 5A. All juniors will report to their homeroom 5a and then you’ll be escorted by your teacher to the chapel.  Campus Ministry will be going over possible Kairos dates and answering any questions you might have. So listen up seniors, you will all be eating during 5a tomorrow and having homeroom during 5b. (Ferro)

No Compass on Thursday February 6th.  Please go to your regular scheduled homeroom. Thank you! (Batchelor)


The JJC Black Teen Summit will be Friday, 2/14 from 8a-2p and JCA is invited! This event is free, but space is LIMITED!! See Ms. Cameron for additional information and to sign up. Last day for registration is FRIDAY! (Cameron)

Black History Month feature: Maya Angelou was born in 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri. She was an American poet and actress. She is best known for the memoir “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”. In the late 1950’s, Angelou landed a role in the production of the folk opera “Porgy and Bess; with this troupe she toured over 22 countries in Europe and Africa. In 1966, she became one of the first African American women to have a screenplay produced into a feature film. In 1979, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” was made into a TV movie. Angelou was an extremely dynamic performer of her poetry, and she was the recipient of three Grammy awards for spoken-word albums, including “Phenomenal Woman” in 1995. Angelou was a friend of many civil rights leaders including Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. Among many numerous honors received, she was invited to deliver a poem, “On the Pulse of Morning” for the inauguration of U.S. President Bill Clinton in 1993. She celebrated the 50th anniversary of the United Nations in the poem “A Brave and Startling Truth”, and honored Nelson Mandela in the poem “His Day is Done”. In 2011, Angelou was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and she passed away in 2014.



Attention Gamers!!  JCA will be holding its first Championship series in eSports.  Available games include Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart, Rocket League, FC 25, and MADDEN 25.  You have received an email from Coach Ziesmer, please complete the survey if you are interested in participating.  Top finishers will have a shot to compete for Conference and State Championships in April.  Lock In!

The Cheer team will be traveling to Bloomington to compete in the state tournament. We will be lining the halls to wish the Cheer Team GOOD LUCK. – I will ask all classes to line up in the 1st floor hallway at 12:50 at the end of 7th period. Please dismiss the cheer team members to the SAC at 12.40. If students would like to attend the tournament on Friday, the dean’s office MUST have a parent phone call and a selfie at the event must be sent to Mrs. Arnett via TEAMs.  Teams message Mrs. Arnett if you have any questions.


Good morning JCA family. This is Senior Aidan Medina and today is Wednesday, February 5th, 2025.

Today, the Church honors Saint Agatha, a young virgin and martyr who courageously faced persecution and remained steadfast in her faith becoming a powerful symbol of purity, courage, and devotion.

Almighty God, you gave Saint Agatha the strength to remain faithful to Christ even in the face of persecution and suffering: Grant me a spirit of courage and perseverance, that I may, like Agatha, stand firm in my faith, even when faced with adversity; that I may defend my beliefs with boldness and conviction; that I may remain pure in heart and mind, dedicated to your service; that I may find strength in prayer and trust in your protection; that I may endure suffering with grace and dignity, knowing that you are with me; that so, inspired by her example, I may dedicate my life to your service, this day and all my days, through the same Christ our Lord.


  • OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL…. pray for us.
  • ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI……. pray for us.




The word of the day of facetious.  Facetious is used to describe something, such as a remark or behavior, that is meant to be humorous or funny but is sometimes instead annoying, silly, or improper.  The emcee delivered several facetious quips throughout the night that the audience found in poor taste.

Juniors, there will be a mandatory Kairos meeting for your entire class tomorrow, Thursday February 6th during 5A. All juniors will report to their homeroom 5a and then you’ll be escorted by your teacher to the chapel.  Campus Ministry will be going over possible Kairos dates and answering any questions you might have. So listen up seniors, you will all be eating during 5a tomorrow and having homeroom during 5b. (Ferro)

It’s that time of year again! The JJC Black Teen Summit will be Friday, 2/14 from 8a-2p and JCA is invited. This event is free, but space is LIMITED!! See Ms. Cameron for additional information and to sign up. (Cameron)

No Compass on Thursday February 6th.  Please go to your regular scheduled homeroom. Thank you! (Batchelor)


Continuing to learn about Black History month, we learn about Steve Henson. The popular question “Can I get some extra ranch?” is a byproduct of his work. The popular condiment, ranch dressing, was discovered in 1949 in Santa Barbara, California by the then plumber-turned-cowboy, Henson. He would often serve his guests visiting his Hidden Valley Ranch, his homemade concoction until they began requesting bottles to take home. In 1972, Henson and his wife sold their name and recipe to Clorox for $8 million. The Doritos brand made it even more famous when they introduced Cool Ranch Doritos to the market in 1986. Fun fact: Hidden Valley Ranch sold $440 million worth of salad dressing in 2015! A special thanks to Steven Henson for creative idea to create ranch dressing.



WJCA Broadcast students, Matthew Perez ’25 and AJ Perez ’25, had a chance to catch up with the athletes that are being celebrated today. You can check it out here!


Boys’ Volleyball will have an open gym right after school on Wednesday 2/5 from 3-5. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Budz in the IRC, all are welcome!


Good morning JCA family. This is Senior Sarah Stary and today is Tuesday, February 4th, 2025.

Today, the Gospel reading from Mark 5:21-43 presents us with two intertwined miracles: the healing of the woman with the hemorrhage and the raising of Jairus’ daughter.

Jesus, amidst a crowd, encounters a woman who had suffered from a hemorrhage for twelve years. Desperate for healing, she touches Jesus’ cloak in faith and is instantly cured. Jesus, perceiving the power that had gone out from him, stops to acknowledge her faith and declares her healed.

Simultaneously, Jairus, a synagogue official, pleads with Jesus to heal his dying daughter. As Jesus makes his way to Jairus’ house, news arrives that the girl has died. Undeterred, Jesus tells Jairus to have faith and proceeds to the house. There, amidst mourners, Jesus takes the girl by the hand, speaks to her, and raises her from the dead.

Lord, As the woman with the hemorrhage was healed by her faith, strengthen our faith to reach out to you in our needs. As Jairus trusted in your power, deepen our trust in you, even in grief and despair. Grant us the courage to approach you with humility and confidence, knowing that you hear our prayers. May our lives mirror our love for you, whose care guides us on our way. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


  • OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL…. pray for us.
  • ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI……. pray for us.




The word of the day is audition.  An audition is a short performance to show the talents of someone (such as an actor or a musician) who is being considered for a role in a play, a position in an orchestra, etc.  Auditions will be held next week for the spring musical.

Seniors attending the Disney trip there is a parent meeting this Wednesday at 6 p.m. in room 136.  Please see Ms. Szynal if you have any questions. (Szynal)

Senior boys going on Kairos next week, you have a mandatory meeting today in the chapel at the start of 5th period. (Ferro)

The Staff of 4188 will meet Monday, Feb. 3 AND Tuesday, Feb. 4 to begin typing the submissions. Come to room 230 at 2:45. (Stoiber)

Juniors and Seniors – Saint Anthony College of Nursing will be here on Wednesday, February 5th for a rep visit. Please sign up in Naviance if you are interested in attending. (Farnaus)

It’s that time of year again! The JJC Black Teen Summit will be Friday, 2/14 from 8a-2p and JCA is invited. This event is free, but space is LIMITED!! See Ms. Cameron for additional information and to sign up. (Cameron)



Boys’ Volleyball will have an open gym right after school on Wednesday 2/5 from 3-5. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Budz in the IRC, all are welcome!


Good morning JCA family. This is Senior Jenna DeNardis and today is Monday, February 3rd, 2025.

Today, the Church honors two remarkable bishops who dedicated their lives to spreading the Gospel and serving God’s people: -Saint Blaise, a 4th-century bishop and martyr, was known for his compassionate care for the sick and his miraculous healing abilities. He is often invoked for protection against throat ailments.

-Saint Ansgar, the “Apostle of the North,” was a 9th-century missionary bishop who bravely brought the Christian faith to Scandinavia. Ansgar’s missionary zeal and commitment to sharing the Gospel left a lasting impact on the region, paving the way for the Christianization of Northern Europe.

Almighty God, you inspired Saint Blaise to heal the sick and proclaim your Word with unwavering courage, and Saint Ansgar to bring the light of the Gospel to the North: Grant me a spirit of compassion, strength, and zeal, that I may, like Blaise, respond to the needs of others with generosity and love that I may be a source of healing and comfort to those who suffer; that I may, like Ansgar, share the Good News with courage and compassion, reaching out to those who have not yet known your love; that I may speak your truth with boldness, even in the face of adversity; that I may remain steadfast in my faith, trusting in your protection and guidance; that I may overcome obstacles and challenges with faith and determination; that I may plant the seeds of faith in fertile ground, nurturing them with hope and prayer; that so, inspired by their examples, I may dedicate my life to your service, this day and all my days, through the same Christ our Lord.


  • OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL…. pray for us.
  • ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI……. pray for us.




The word of the day is encroach.  To encroach is to gradually move or go into an area that is beyond the usual or desired limits, or to gradually take or begin to use or affect something that belongs to, or is being used by, someone else. Encroach is often followed by on or upon.  Conflicts between people and bears increase as humans continue to encroach on bear territory.

Tuesday is our winter assembly to honor our winter sports.  The Student Council invites you to join in the class competitions.  If you would like to participate, please fill out the application form in your JCA email.  Today is your last chance to sign up to participate in the assembly tomorrow.  Make sure you fill out the form in your JCA email.  If selected, you will be notified via Teams Chat.  See Ms. Szynal if you have any questions. (Szynal)

Members of the Student Council Spirit Committee have a meeting tomorrow at 7:20 a.m. in room 136.  We will be going over the process for the assembly.  See Ms. Szynal if you have any conflicts. (Szynal)

Seniors attending the Disney trip there is a parent meeting this Wednesday at 6 p.m. in room 136.  Please see Ms. Szynal if you have any questions. (Szynal)

Senior boys going on Kairos next week, you have a mandatory meeting this Tuesday in the chapel.  Please report at the beginning of 5A, attendance will be taken. (Ferro)

The Staff of 4188 will meet Monday, Feb. 3 AND Tuesday, Feb. 4 to begin typing the submissions. Come either or both days to room 230 at 2:45. (Stoiber)

Juniors and Seniors – Saint Anthony College of Nursing will be here on Wednesday, February 5th for a rep visit. Please sign up in Naviance if you are interested in attending. (Farnaus)

It’s that time of year again! The JJC Black Teen Summit will be Friday, 2/14 from 8a-2p and JCA is invited. This event is free, but space is LIMITED!! See Ms. Cameron for additional information and to sign up. (Cameron)



The concept of Black History month began in 1915 and was pioneered by Carter G. Woodson, and it was officially established in 1976 by President Gerald Ford to annually bring acknowledgement and understanding of the many contributions of Black People. Every president since then has recognized Black History month. February was selected since it coincides with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas. Other countries, including Canada, Ireland, and the United Kingdom also devote a month to celebrating Black History month.

Today, we will hear about Garrett Morgan. He is the one who is attributed to inventing the traffic signal. Morgan started his career working for a clothing manufacturer where he learned how to fix equipment, leading to a patent for a sewing machine belt fastener. As his career continued, Morgan invented a breathing device to protect wearers from smoke, gas, and other pollutants. This device earned him the first prize at the Second International Exposition of Safety and Sanitation. In 1923, he patented a new traffic signal. Before his invention, traffic lights were manually operating and had only two modes, stop and go. In Morgan’s creation, he added a third mode, the caution light. This was created to prepare drivers to change gears. General Motors purchased Morgan’s patent for $40,000 in 1923.



Boys’ volleyball will have open gyms Today Monday 2/3 from 7-8:30 and Wednesday 2/5 right after school from 3-5. Hope to see you there.

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