Employment Opportunity


Accountable to: Mrs. Suzi Arnett (Dean of Students)

Main Objective:

The nurse’s responsibility is to promote safety and good health of students, faculty and staff.  The Health Office is open 8:00AM – 2:30PM on days when students are present.

Specific Areas of Responsibility:

  • Student Health Records
    • Document and report compliance of the Illinois School Code
    • Maintain the health records for the current student body
    • Review the health records for medical conditions i.e.: Allergies (EpiPen), Asthma (Inhaler), Seizure disorders, Diabetes
  • Provide care to students with chronic diseases including but not limited to: Diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, ADHD, food allergies with anaphylaxis
  • Provide basic first aid
    • Document all care given
  • Respond to emergencies
    • Report to Administration and file incident report
  • Supervise and administer prescribed and over the counter medication
    • Obtain Medical Authorization Form and medication from parents/guardian of students that require administration of medication during school.
  • Monitor and maintain medical equipment: AED with trainers, Glucometer, Sphygmomanometer, Pulse Oximeters, Thermometer, Wheelchairs, Scale
  • Maintain emergency bag: Sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, pulse oximeter, various dressing, tape, Band-Aids, Gatorade, Benadryl
  • Promote adherence to Parent-Student Handbook policies
    • Use of planners and passes with health office visit
    • Promote compliance with JCA attendance policy as related to student health issues
  • Provide care to the needs of all faculty and staff: Temperatures, Blood Pressure monitoring, OTC or RX medication
  • Work alongside dean’s office to administer student drug testing
  • Maintain office supplies: Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Tums, Claritin, cough drops, numerous gauze sizes and shapes, Benadryl, artificial tears, Neosporin ointment, Band-aids, co-band, steri-strips, tape, ace wraps, crutches, slings, immobilizers, Vaseline, cotton balls, q-tips, ice packs, peroxide, Caviwipes
  • Foster good communication between The Health Office, Deans’ Office, Guidance and Administration


  • Current Illinois RN license
  • Fulfill Illinois’s requirement for educational improvement
  • Current CPR certification
  • Comply with the standards set forth by OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogen
  • Comply with the standards set forth by Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA)Privacy Rule
  • Pass background check done for JCA
  • Complete Protecting God’s Children class

Please email resume and interest to Andrea Vercelli, Head RN BSN (avercelli@jca-online.org) and Suzi Arnett, Dean of Students (sarnett@jca-online.org).

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