Today is the feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus. Therese entered the Carmelites at the age of 15. When, at the age 23, her activities became limited because of tuberculosis, the prioress directed Therese to write about her childhood and her life in the convent.
These were combined into her autobiography, The Story of a Soul. Therese sought holiness through her “little way”: fidelity in the small things of every day life, trust in, and complete self-surrender to, God. Called the “little Flower,” Therese was canonized and named a doctor of the Church. Like her, may we learn to blossom where Goad has placed us. Today, we celebrate the charisms of simplicity and poverty. Both Francis and Clare were born into wealthy families and lived lives of luxury. Both abandoned every luxury and scorned every necessity in their love for Jesus. Free of material concerns, they discovered deep freedom and astonishing joy. Carmelites, as well, value simplicity in life. The Carmelite Rule exhorts the followers to always live simply and especially when a guest in someone’s home, to accept graciously whatever is set before them.
Today we pray: Loving God, in contemplating the poverty of Jesus who was born into the world poor and naked and who died poor and naked on the cross, help us to lvie with less anxiety about our possessions and with more generosity in sharing them. may we embrace the paradox that less is more and may we realize in our hearts and in our actions that the greatest happiness is serving you through our brothers and sisters. Amen.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, pray for us!
St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us!
Heritage Week Activity: Franciscans and Carmelites are known as mendicant orders. In the early years of the Franciscans, the Carmelites, and the Poor Clare Sisters, members of these orders went out on the streets and begged for what they needed to lvie and to help them care for the poor. Today, Mission collection Day, seniors will visit theology classes for alms for the poor.
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