The Joliet Catholic Academy Drama department, under the direction of Ms. Jennifer Szynal is pleased to present this year’s Spring Musical, “Grease” from March 15-17 at Bicentennial Park Theatre located at 201 W. Jefferson St. Joliet, IL 60432. Tickets are $8 for Students, Seniors, and Children under 12; $10 for Adults.
Guests may enter sock hop games during intermission for prizes, to win a raffle basket at each performance, and the 1950’s costume contest at Saturday’s performance for a prize. All tickets will be sold at JCA lunches on March 12, 13, &14, and at the door prior to each performance. Seats are assigned so we encourage you to purchase in advance. Please contact
Ms. Szynal at to receive details. “Grease” is presented through special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. 235 Park Ave. New York, NY 10003;
Click Here to view the “Grease” production poster in PDF format.
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