Joliet Catholic Academy president/principal Dr. Jeffrey Budz is pleased to announce the October Students of the Month: Bella Ray (Kiwanis Club), Jacob Budz (Rotary Club), and Stephanie Bertino (Lions Club). JCA is proud of the success these students have exhibited both in the classroom and out in the community.
Bella Ray, daughter of Jeffrey and Michelle Ray, currently has a 4.94 GPA in JCA Honors and AP classes. Ray is a member of National Honor Society, National French Honor Society, National English Honor Society, JCA Student Council, vice president of JCA Respect Life Club, and a varsity volleyball captain the past two years. Ray will attend Lewis University on a volleyball scholarship to study education and become a teacher.
Jacob Budz, son of Jeffrey and Karla Budz, currently has a 3.88 GPA at JCA. Budz is a member of National Honor Society, International Thespian Society, Tri-M Music Society, JCA Drama Club, JCA Weather Club, Musical Theatre Troupe, JCA Student Ambassadors, and the JCA Band. He is also a member of the varsity tennis and boys soccer teams. Budz has received multiple division 1 medals in the IMEA Band Contest, multiple JCA Drama Club awards for acting and singing, and also was a member of the 2nd Doubles team in tennis which captured 1st place at the Joliet West Tennis Tournament this past spring. Budz will also play the lead in JCA’s upcoming fall play Dracula, which will run from November 21-23 at Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park Theatre. He is currently undecided on a college of choice, but plans on double majoring in computer engineering and music education.
Stephanie Bertino, daughter of Brian and Jessica Bertino, currently has a 4.93 GPA in JCA Honors and AP classes. Bertino is a member of National Honor Society, International Thespian Society, National English Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, Spanish Club, JCA Respect Life Club, JCA Math team, JCA Weather Club, founder/president of the JCA American Sign Language Club, secretary of the JCA Drama Club, homeroom representative for JCA Student Council, and a JCA Student Ambassador. Bertino place 3rd in geometry at the State Math competition, 2nd place for Algebra II at the Regional Math Team competition, and also received a medal in Psychology II at JCA for having the top grade point average. Bertino has also earned certificates in Chemistry, Theology II, Physical Education, and Sculpture. She is currently undecided on her college choice, but will study communication sciences and disorders with plans on attending graduate school for audiology.
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