Diocese of Joliet Bishop Ronald A. Hicks asks parishioners to take action to Invest in Kids

For the past six years there has been an important pilot program called Invest in Kids, which has provided low income and working-class families the ability to send their students to their best fit non-public school. Nearly 40,000 scholarships have been awarded and the program has been very successful in giving lower-income—including within the African American and Hispanic communities—the best education options possible, including at Catholic schools.

The program does not take state funds away from public schools—the scholarships are privately funded through contributions by individuals and companies who receive Illinois state income tax credits in return.
The Invest in Kids Act will sunset, or end, in 2023, unless Illinois legislators vote to extend and make permanent this important scholarship program. A bill has been introduced and we are working to get House Bill 4194 passed. So I’m urging you today to take action with me to contact your state senator and state representative to let them know you support Invest in Kids.

1. Visit SaveMyScholarhip.com and fill out short form
2. Pray that the Invest in Kids Act is extended and made permanent by Illinois legislators

A quality education is a fundamental right that we should all support. I urge you to tell your legislator to invest in kids! November is the last legislative session of the year, so it’s truly important that we make sure the program is extended, and this is our last chance. Thank you very much for your action here.

Watch Bishop Hicks’ message here >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G86ycCNmBY


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